Tuesday, January 17, 2017

The struggle is real but it's not what we think

I know enough by now to know that when within a week of each other more than a handful of serious things happen across the span of our family
and then one of our friends comes over to play, asks to look for salt for the front steps that are icy and instead finds a pool of water in our basement as it trickles down the cement wall
--in these times--
I now know enough to breathlessly look at that friend, and say, quite seriously, "It's ok. It's all just all part of the adoption process."
Because it is.
Because we don't fight against flesh and blood, but rather "our struggle is agains the rules, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."
So daily, right now, I'm spending hours -- hours today -- not fighting in the way of the world but fighting the way God tells His people to fight, by putting on the armor of God.
So while the ugly news is that the evil of the world would wage war against something as beautiful and restorative and healing as adoption, the good news is that we have a shield of faith, the sword of the Spirit and the armor of God.
The struggle is real, though.
And we would certainly appreciate your prayers as we navigate the path we're on to get to the purpose God has for our family and this season of life. Thank you.

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There's nothing better than good conversation ... but not while talking to myself. Will you play a part in this discussion?

AND will you pretty please have your email linked to your account or leave it for me so I can respond?

Thanks for taking the time to make these thoughts into conversation.
